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Active Directory attacks


Active Directory (AD) is a Microsoft product that consists of several services that run on Windows Server to manage permissions and access to networked resources. Active Directory stores data as objects. An object is a single element, such as a user, group, application or device, such as a printer.

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both of them is a way to identifi machines inside my network
have dots             dots not allowd
modern                old            TSHOOT

C:\windows\NTDS    → users and groups database 
                   → ntds.dit is the file contains users and groups
C:\windows\NTDS    → logs
C:\windows\SYSVOL  → groups policy

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smbrelay attack


smb signing enable but not require

whch allow us to grab the hash


responder -I eth0 -rwdv disable smb and http from /etc/respnder/Responder.conf

python /usr/share/doc/python-impacket/examples/ -tf target.txt -smb2support -i


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we get rce as local administartor we get local user NTLMv2 hashes


Enable smb siging on all devices Disable NTLM auth and move to kerberos Account tiering local admin restriction

LLMNR poisoning


what happen is that when we search for un-exist host in the network dns won’t find it so requesting_machine will move to use LLNRM which will make a multicast traffic to all devices in the network what we do is that yes we are that address you are looking for and authunticate to me with responder we got the NTLMv2 hash we crack it with hashcat


responder -I eth0 -rwdv hashcat -m 5600 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


so what we do we first fire up responder in our local machine on a target machine we request not_existing hostname or ip such \not_exist


we get a user hash

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Disable LLMNR Disable NBT-NS Require strong password

IPv6 attack


all windows since windows vista have ipv6 by default and it’s prefered over ipv4

attacker abuse IPV6 default configs and serve as IPV6 dns server

we will abuse windows proxy auto discovery WPAD to relay creds and authunicate to other services in the network our goal is to force victim is to authunticate us

windows proxy auto detection feature it's legitimate use is to detect network proxy used fro connecting to the internet

the address of the server providing the file wapd.dat would be resolved by dns and if no enrty was found it will resolved via LLMNR

attacker can reply to these requests preteneded ha has the file and ask for auth to access the file which is automated by windows

without any user interaction and that provide attacker the ntlm hash of the logged user

that was before 2016 patch that do the folowing:

-location of wapd file only requested via DNS

-auth doesnt occure automatically any more

first bypass wapd file is done by mitm6 tool as it set attacker machine as IPv6 DNS server

second bypass we can modify wapd file so when victm use it to get internet it will reply with HTTP 407 status code for authunticaton

-Attck phase 1

first mitm6 will listen on the attacker machine for any IPV6 requests via DHCPV6 assinging all victims IPV6 ip and set our machine as IPV6 DNS server

optionally mitm6 will send Router Advertisment (RA) masgs to alert all client that there is IPV6 network and u should request IPv6 addresss with DHCPv6

mitm -d (domain_name)

-attack phase 2

in victims machines we notice that our machine is set as DNS server and due to window preference IPv6 DNS will be prefered over IPv4 DNS

IPv6 DNS will be used to query both IPv4 and IPv6 recoreds

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mintm6 -d (domain_name)

/usr/share/doc/python-impacket/examples/ -6 -t ldaps:// -wh fake.tshoot -l loot


fisrt we start mintm6 to server as IPv6 DNS server to spoof requests

secondly we fire up with -wh option to serve wapd file and optionally we can specify where it resides but since we are

the dns server any non-existing hostname we di we use -6 to listen on both ipv4 ipv6


hashes dumped

create a domian user

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disable ipv6

disable ntlm and move to kerberos

pass the hash


once you grabbed some hashes you can spread them acreoss network to see what computers you can login with these creds

tools -u user_name -H NTLMv1_hash –local

psexec user@computer_ip -H NTLMv1_hash


once u get a pwned sign so that user have login access to that computer

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after that we can use tools like psexec to get an interactive shell


after that we can use tools like psexec to get an interactive shell

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it’s hard to completely prevent it but we can make it more difficult for an attacker

Limit account reuse Utilizing strong passwords use PAM privilege access manager

Token Impersonation


Token are temporary keys that allow you access system/network without supplying any creds

it’s a cookies for windows


metasploit framework with a meterpreter session


once we get a meterpreter session we can launch our attack

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impersonate local admin users


limit user/group token creation permissions acount tiering local admin restriction



kerberos is an authuntication protocl in windows and here is a paragraph of how it’s work

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what we need to understand is that kerberos is relying on tickets

client send a request encrypted with his NTLM hash TGT to what is called KDC consider it your DC

after that client request a TGS and server reply with one but what interesting is that it’s encrypted with server account hash

tools -request -dc-ip domain/user ‘user we have his creds’

hashcat -m 13100 hash_file /usr/share/wordlists/rockypu.txt


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once we get the hash we move on cracking it with hashcat


use strong passwords apply least privileges

GPP attack


Group Pilicy Preference allowsa admins to create policies with embeded creds

creds are ebcrypted and called cPassword


gpp-decrypt cPassword


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get a valid vreds and use them on more beneficial scenarios


update your system

Golden Ticket


if we have a access to active directory domain controller with a creds of one of administrative group creds

we can create a ticket/certificate for ourselves for persistent login

actually it remains 10 years once we are in we abuse krbtgt user which a user reponsible for ticket creation and creat oursleves one




lsadump::lsa /inject /user:krbtgt

kerberos::golden /user:administrator / /sid: S-1-5-32-1045337234-12924708993-5683276719-19000 /krbtgt:d125e4f69c851529045ec95ca80fa37e /id:500 /ptt


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persistent login for 10 yesrs


Enforce a least privilege model

Install endpoint protection to block attackers from loading modules like mimikatz